Wednesday 28 March 2012

Great Divide Brewing Company Titan IPA

Good afternoon all. Last night I had two rather special beers, the first of which came all the way from Colorado, a state renowned for its brewing prowess with the likes of Odell, Left Hand, Avery and countless other big names all based there. That beer was Titan IPA, an American IPA from Great Divide Brewing Company. This is my first beer from Great Divide- despite having a number of their beers waiting patiently in the cellar- so hopefully the hype will be justified. Review after the pic....

Titan IPA (7.1% ABV) pours an amber colour with a thick white head that settles to a thin halo around the inside of the glass. Because of the bottle-conditioning, there is some lacing present during the first half of the beer. It does look great though, the picture doesn't do it enough justice. The aroma is more subdued than I was expecting, with piney/resinous hops, plenty of tropical fruits, a vinous quality, malt and some sweetness in the background. The resin comes through every so often, but the predominant hop aroma is definitely the citrus/tropical fruits. The taste is composed of citrus fruits, pine, malt and grapes, with the finish delivering a slight bitterness but nothing overly offensive. The mouthfeel is slightly thick with moderate carbonation. Overall, this is a very well-balanced IPA that delivers plenty of characteristic flavours with a pleasing yet assertive bitterness in the finish. It's not particularly "aggressive" as billed in the bottle description, but frankly the flavours and aromas will leave even the most ardent hophead pleased. Definitely recommended, I'm more tempted than ever now to reach into the cellar to try the other offerings I've got from Great Divide, so expect more appearances from these guys in the future!

Until next time....

1 comment:

  1. Love great divide, them and southern tier tied for my top two brewers in the US
