Good evening all. Tonight's beer is another offering from Copenhagen in the form of Yeastus Christus, a Saison from the gypsy brewers To Øl. Emblazoned with some very cool bottle art and being one of my favourite beer styles has certainly amped up the anticipation, so let's get to the review after the pic....
Yeastus Christus (7.4% ABV) pours a hazy golden colour with a short-lived white head that dissipates to a thin halo around the inside of the glass. Loads of funk and vinous notes in the nose, with some light fruity hoppiness in the background creating an aroma similar to Fantôme Saison (which always reminds me of those Superted multi-vitamins they used to sell in the late 90s!). Tasting brings up ginger, cloves, funk and a subtle bitterness in the finish, all wrapped up in a thick mouthfeel that compliments the drinking experience. Another surprisingly relevant beer for the Christmas season, although I can't help but think that this beer would be slightly improved by some form of wine barrel ageing.
I've got a bottle of this too...along with 9 other To Ols...better get drinking!